Hi! I’m Noelle Hatch and I’m so happy to have the honor of being your 2021-2022 Colorado Cinderella Tot!
I was introduced to the program at 5 years old when I went to an activity at the Pumpkin Patch that Cinderella was hosting. I had lots of fun, but I didn’t want to try competing at a prelim, because I thought that sounded too scary. Instead, my mom and I went to the Littleton preliminary competition that year just to watch and cheer on my friend, Emery (now my Queen Sister), as she competed in her very first prelim. My mom thought I might change my mind when I started watching all the girls on stage and she was right! The directors were so kind and let me sign up right there on the spot to compete as an honor roll contestant. Luckily, my mom brought options for my wardrobe! Phew!
I had so much fun that we signed up for the prelim in Loveland. I was a little less nervous this time around and everyone was so kind and encouraging. I won that preliminary and started prepping for state!
State was such a blast! I met so many new friends, and had so much fun at the parties! I won first runner up and the Beauty title. I was definitely hooked on Cinderella by then.
Over the next year, I worked every day on my interview skills, perfecting my modeling, and learning how to show confidence in myself. It was a dream come true when I was crowned the 2021-2022 State Tot!
This year has been complete magic! I traveled to Dallas to compete at internationals where I learned so much and made lots of new friends. This year has been stuffed full of fun experiences. Walking in the 4th of July parade, swimming at Pirate’s cove, sleep overs with my Queen Sisters, lots of fun photo shoots, amazing gifts, volunteering at Boo at the Zoo, attending the state Cameo pageant and prelims all over the state, a trip to Great Wolf Lodge, fun at Build-A-Bear, Santa’s Workshop at the North Pole, Disney on Ice, and so much more!
My favorite part of this year has been getting to know and love my Queen sisters. I’m so glad to know we’ll be sisters even after this magical year is over. The people I’ve met through Cinderella is the best part of this program. Our state directors, royalty coordinator, emcee’s and their families have become like family to me.
I’ve had so many amazing opportunities to serve in my community and the world! My favorite volunteer opportunity was collecting food from all over my neighborhood to help stock the local food bank. I couldn’t believe how much food we collected!
My family has been a huge support to me. I have two big brothers who love to tease me and cheer me on. My mom and dad are always there to help me and encourage me.
When I’m not having fun with my Cinderella duties, you can find me having a blast in 2nd grade, tearing it up at the dance studio, tumbling, playing with friends, or having fun with my family. I love creating things, whether that’s writing a song, choreographing a dance, making a new recipe, or drawing pretty pictures, I love it all!
This past year has shown me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible! I’m so grateful to be a Cinderella girl! Remember….It’s Magic!
With love,
Noelle Hatch
2021-2022 Colorado Cinderella Tot